Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Time for the next Quantum Leap

Currently, at International level, we have the Belgium men's team playing a fluid, fast, highly skilled style of play which requires a high level of precision, then we have the Argentina Men's team who rely on their Penalty Corner battery to get the job done for them, so as a result, they have taken the traditional counter attack style and for want of a better word super sized it. Then in the women's game, we have Great Britain/England playing an evolution of the Australian Men's style which was to attack hard and attack through the top of circle, and the Netherlands under the great Alysson Annan who are playing very much an evolution of the traditional Dutch style with a dash of the Australian influence which comes from Alysson.

But none of these current styles of play from the best teams in the world is a quantum leap in the game, like what the Australian Kookaburras did back at the 2014 World Cup. It is my strong view that we are still yet to see the next quantum leap in the game at International level, and this is because of a couple of reasons-

1. Coaches at international level are yet to come to terms with how to play hockey with quarters.

2. Coaches at international level have not yet learned how to use the rotation's off the bench under the quarter's format.

3. Coaches at international level have not yet really understood the value of the rule which allows teams to pull their goal-keeper.

4. Coaches at international level in today's game are perhaps too risk averse, and unwilling to go for the win, instead settling for the draw, or relying to much on penalty corners to get the job done.

5. Coaches at international level today are perhaps not creative enough, again perhaps they are afraid to get to far ahead of the curve, unlike the great Dr. Ric Charlesworth.

6. Coaches at international level are perhaps losing too much control over the direction of their teams by handing over to much responsibility to Assistant Coaches and support staff.

So with all this in mind, what will I do differently when the opportunity comes at International level in the future?

Well without giving away game style, strategy and tactics I would want to do some of the following-

- Develop a style of play more suited to quarters, perhaps look at ideas from other sports that could apply to hockey.

- I would look to better use my rotations as I have said previously I would look to up those rotations and do it through a different method.

- I would consider pulling my goalie in a more strategic way.

- I would take risks and be willing to go for the win. I have long believed that I would rather lose the game in order to win, and this won't change at international level.

- I would be creative, again looking all the time at other sports for different ways to do things and to play.

- I would be far more hands on with everything, and I would bring my player empowerment model of coaching to international level, creating a consensus approach with everyone buying into what we are all trying to achieve.

I strongly believe the next quantum leap at International level with this great game of hockey, must be with a fast, free-flowing, fluid, bold, creative constantly evolving style of play, with everyone willing to take risks in order to win.

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