Sunday, 5 March 2017

Constantly Learning and Developing as a Sport Coach

All Sports coaches out there should be constantly learning and developing through various avenues-

1. Reading books and articles.
2. Watching vids throughout Youtube etc
3. Attending courses and workshops
4. Listen to talks.
5. Players within the teams I coach

As a Sports Coach, I am constantly learning and developing, I am always looking for that edge in my sport, and I believe its vital to learn from other who have gone before and not just in my own sport. I believe as a Sports Coach, if you believe you know it all and know one else can offer new ideas, or that you cant learn anything from another sport, then its time to get off the stage and walk away.

Just recently I read these two books-

Both of these books provided me with different ideas and concepts that I hadn't thought of before, and both showed me different ways to approach things, and both also reminded me of important aspects of Coaching.

In the case of Leisel Jones book, this reminded me of how important it is that a Sport Coach, remember that they have a duty of care to the players they coach, that they should be doing everything they can to lift there athletes/players up and give them every opportunity to succeed not only in their sport but in their life. Now this is something that many coaches in Australian sport have forgotten in recent years, the un-written duty of care rule, they have put there athletes and players in harms way because their own giant ego has got in the way.

The second book, by the best Sporting Coach in the history of Sport in Australia Ric Charlesworth, has shown me the importance of challenging your athletes/players to be all they can be, to as Ric says hold there feet to the fire and keep raising the bar and helping them to lift.

Therefore I urge all Sports Coaches, take the time, read, learn and constantly develop, because if you are not doing that then its time to get of the stage.

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