Tuesday, 11 April 2017

My Hockey Coaching Game Plan Principles

Over the 18 + years I have been coaching, I have slowly developed some basic game plan principles which apply to every squad I take on. An while my game plan as any quality coaches game plan should be doing, which is evolving and adapting to the situation/s that your team find themselves in at any particular time, the core basic principles that unpin this game plan will always remain the same.

So what are my core basic game plan principles-

1. Everyone can play any position on the field at any given time. (Flexibility)
2. We attack from defence and defend from attack. (Two way hockey)
3. We apply maximum pressure to the opposition at all times. (Constant Forward Press)
4. We focus on our processes and let the result take care of itself. (Process = Result)
5. We control the centre of the field. (Control Centre = Control Game)
6. Where possible we attack through the top of the circle. (Possession = Control)

So those are my six Basic or Core Game Plan Principles and when you watch any squad I coach you can pretty much see in some form each of these principles in action throughout the game in different forms.

What do you think, how do you set up your teams do you have principles that you always look to implement with every team you coach? I look forward to reading your comments and hearing from you, lets get a discussion going on this.

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