Sunday, 12 February 2017

Day 4: Watching the Busselton Jetty Swim

Well day 4 starting off with some clear skies and no rain, which was great for the swimmers participating in the Busselton Jetty Swim, all though the wind was up which means it was well and truely a struggle apparently to remain on course.

I arrived down at the Busselton foreshore at little after the start and in time to see the first swimmers heading back in, these people are amazing how they manage to do it, there was a kid as young as 12 who completed the solo swim which is 3.6km from start to finish around the entire jetty pretty amazing effort might I say, hats off to the young lad who did it.

The foreshore was pretty well packed and the jetty was very crowed with people trying to monitor the progress of there family or friends doing the swim, I believe there were various game going on on the foreshore as well and the day would end with a free concert by Shannon Noel, I wasn't planning on staying around for that. The town itself was sort of dead to a degree but imagine that would change as the swim rapped up.

The rest of the day, I spent working through plans and ideas for the up-coming pre-season and season ahead.

Tomorrow its off to the foreshore again to see the Queen Mary 2 come into Geographe Bay that should arrive around 8am, so try to make sure I am there a good hour before to watch it come into view. Then I will be popping into a couple of estate agents as I continue my efforts to find a more permanent base before heading over to the Library to do some hockey work.

Bring on Day 5.

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