Well as of tomorrow, I have been here in Busselton for 1 week, and its been an interesting opening week, with bits and pieces on, and hockey in a slow build.
This morning woke to cloudy skies which quickly turned to sunshine, and a very nice day, I spent the day deep in the hockey work in the library putting together the various information that I will be given the girls over the coming weeks as we build the Capel SWL squad ready for the start of the South West League 2017 season. This morning I was woken to a phone call from my Victorian coaching mate Robbie, who wanted to let me know he had passed my name onto a couple of the Kookaburra men's players who will be looking for coaching opportunities, from time to time, will see how we go might be able to use them from time to time, if they dont cost a huge amount of money.
Rob is a great guy, he is very similar to me in how we go about, he is a risk taker and isn't worried about losing games in order to win them, he also tell it like it which I also do, we became firm friends when we both Coached Victorian teams at the Women's Master National Championships in 2013. He was one of the many lining up back in 2015 when Manly for no explained reason got rid of me, to tear them a new one. I hope one day to be able to Coach together in some capacity.
Anyway I also got in touch with a contact from Leading Teams who I know Mike, to fill in with everything that has been happening, as last time we spoke before Xmas this certain wasn't the direction things appeared to be heading. I am sure he will be very surprised when he reads the email and txt, sure I will recieve a phone call tomorrow.
Anyway I checked out a room today, which was all right, I have another on Friday to check out so its hopefully looking good for a better venue, dont get me wrong the back-packers are all right but one needs one's own space.
Also look to maybe do some Laundry tomorrow, I will wash then bring it back to the back-packers and hang it up.
Anyway 1 week down and things gather from here on in. Bring on Day 8.
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